Help hand out timing chips and swim caps to triathletes.
Fill up cups with water/gatorade for the runners and hand them out as the runners pass by. Clean up the area afterward and bring trash back to the staging area.
Stand at key locations on the run course to make sure that the runners go in the correct direction.
You'll be the person to make sure that the cyclists turn around at the correct spot. There is an intermediate distance and sprint distance. Intermediate turns around at mile 8, sprint at mile 6.
Help gather equipment and load up on the back of vehicles. Take trash out of area, general clean-up.
Make sure the cyclist mount their bikes and dismount their bikes at the correct place.
Pick up the pizza at a designated time, monitor ice needs and general help with making sure the food/beverage area is taken care of.
Help set up the finish line, award area.
Help set up buoys for the swim course. You'll be out on the water in your kayak monitoring the swim portion of the triathlon. Bring your kayak.
Helping the triathletes enter and exit the lake.
Help set up fencing and bike racks. Volunteers will be able to stake out their spots in the transition area the day before the event.
We would need you to stand at both exits of the transition area and make sure that the people leaving with their equipment have their bib number/body marking matching the bike and helmet number.