Help fold shirts.
Stuff packets.
Help set everything up for the event.
Cheer on runners!
Hand out bibs and packets to preregistered runners.
Sign up late runners.
Hand out waters and snacks to runners as they come in. Replenish as necessary.
Hand out pizza to runners!
Manage candy bar, replenish as needed.
Cheer on/direct runners, hand out water/gatorades/snacks/towels to runners, as well as pick up water bottles that get thrown on floor.
Hand out bibs and packets to preregistered runners.
Sign up late runners.
Hand out waters and snacks to cyclists as they come in. Replenish as necessary.
Hand out food to runners!
Hand out waters and snacks to runners as they come in. Replenish as necessary.
Cheer/direct cyclists, hand out water/gatorades/snacks/towels to runners, as well as pick up water bottles that get thrown on floor.
Hand out bibs and packets to preregistered runners.
Sign up late runners.
Hand out food to cyclists!
Help pick up trash and put everything away!